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Seismic Group Wiki

This Wiki is essentially a user driven website, intended for collaboration and discussion of Wide Angle Seismic Data.


If you don't see the 'edit' link anywhere, you're probably on the static page (which is read only). Login to the dynamic »wiki if you would like to add or modify any of the content. A password system has been implemented, due to previous defacement attempts. Email keith dot louden at dal dot ca for an account, or use the same username/password used on the Seismic-Plot computer.

If you want to create a new page, click 'edit' and put the new page name in double parentheses, ie: [[NewWikiPage]] , and click 'ok'. This will make a '(?)' link. The new page will be created when you click on the '(?)' link, and add content to the new page. To view examples and test syntax, use the TestPage. Help is available at the »WikiHelp.

Main Categories:

Other Categories:

If you are looking for the Seismic Group Website, its »here.

Disclaimer: The software and techniques discussed on this Wiki are intended for in-house use at Dalhousie. No statements of information accuracy or warranty are given, and all software should be used at your own risk.

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