Phase PickingForward Modelling and InversionAmplitude Modelling
Rayinvr is perhaps the most important program used in the Seismic Group. This page is for discussing this program.
Phase Picking
- Zplot (available on »rayinvr.html) is the picking and plotting program developed by Colin Zelt for use with Rayinvr.
- Zplot is not well suited to picking refracted and (especially) reflected phases in high resolution OBS data. The Kingdom Suite is much better in this role, even though it was not designed for it. Here is an explanation of how to do it: KingdomSuitePicking
- SeisWide can also be used to quickly pick wide angle (or other seismic) data, but it is still immature in this role.
Forward Modelling and Inversion
- The forward modelling and especially the inverse modelling steps can be challenging. Finding (and understanding) the right parameters is critical. There are detailed explanations for each parameter, included with the rayinvr source code. There are also examples included with the source code which are helpful. The RayinvrExampleA shows a real example, showing the basics of forward and inverse modelling with rayinvr. Its probably a good starting point for OBS work.
Amplitude Modelling
- Synthetic seismograms can be produced in Rayinvr using the Tramp (or xtramp) program. This is quite similar to rayinvr and uses the same input file, as well as (parameter file) and optionally (custom wavelet).
- The seismograms which are created in Tramp and plotted in Pltsyn can be converted to SEGY using Syn2Segy.