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Explanation of files
Getting started

There are very detailed explanations of inversion theory available from the Rayinvr website » This page is simply intended to be an introduction. Forward modelling refers to tracing the rays from a defined velocity model. Inversion refers to modifying the velocity model, so the misfit between the observed (traveltime phase picks) and theoretical traveltime curves are minimized.

There are three main programs explained on this page. Rayinvr (or xrayinvr) is the program that performs the ray tracing. Dmplstsqr is the program for inverting the velocity model (there are other versions of this program). Vmodel is the program used for checking, displaying, and converting the velocity files. These programs are run by simply typing the program name on the command line, however the proper parameter files must be present in the current directory.

Explanation of files

Getting started

tar -zxvf rayinvr_example.tar.gz
gunzip rayinvr_example.tar.gz && tar -xvf rayinvr_example.tar

cd rayinvr_example

shot#   1:   ray code  6.2:    50 rays traced
shot#   1:   ray code  7.2:    50 rays traced
shot#   1:   ray code  8.2:    50 rays traced
shot#   1:   ray code  9.2:    50 rays traced
shot#   1:   ray code 10.2:    50 rays traced
shot#   1:   ray code  4.3:    13 rays traced

|                                                                |
| total of   1443 rays consisting of    24811 points were traced |
|                                                                |
|           model consists of 11 layers and  13 blocks           |
|                                                                |

Number of data points used:      720
RMS traveltime residual:       0.005
Normalized chi-squared:        0.225


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