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Plotting Rayinvr velocity models
Plotting SEGY data in GMT.
Merging two GMT grid files

Plotting Rayinvr velocity models

xyz2grd fort.35 -R0/260/0/25 -I1/0.1 -N0 -Goutput.grd

Plotting SEGY data in GMT.

This is a useful thing to do, because GMT is highly configurable and produces good quality output. Also the seismic data can be plotted on top of a velocity model, for a combined plot.

psbasemap -R-10000/10000/0/2.5 -JX18/-12 \
-Bf1000a1000:"Offset (m)":/f0.1a0.2:"Two Way Traveltime (s)":WseN \
-Z0.001 -X0.8i -Y1.5i -K >
pssegy obsich2_GMT.segy -R -JX -D0.35 -C50.0 -B-30 -F0/0/0 -So -O >>

Merging two GMT grid files


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