Custom / Additional Linux/Unix SoftwareCustom Windows SoftwareSoftware of interest (not currently installed or used)
Custom / Additional Linux/Unix Software
Any custom or obscure software installed on any of the groups computers. This intended to be used when repairing or customizing a computer (most important on top). Please note any special instructions.
- Rayinvr - run the new _build_all.bash_ script to compile everything (only available with the g77 patch).
- ClaritasInstall - installing Globe Claritas, the main seismic processing suite used in the Seismic Group.
- SeismicUnixInstall - Installing Seismic Unix, a very useful suite of seismic applications. Primarily command line driven.
- GMT - The main mapping and plotting tool used in the group.
- Matlab
- pyShottab - Used for creating shottables prior to creating OBS segy files.
- nscu - seismic conversion utility. Useful for examining a SEGY file and converting between formats. However, Claritas seems to do a better job with the conversion process, and the Claritas utility Segy_analyser is more useful for examining the contents of the file.
- OpenDx - general data visualization package
- Openoffice (also on windows) - office suite
- Matrox/Nvidia video card driver
- K3B - burning software for CD/DVDs, fully featured gui.
- Engauge Digitizer » digitizer for digital images
- kimagemapeditor - for editing imagemaps (ie: for this site)
- kompare - graphical version of 'diff' for displaying the differences between text files.
- filelight - a graphical disk usage program. Excellent for seeing where all your disk space is going.
- linkchecker/linklint - url checking software (check websites for broken links).
- samba - lets a unix/linux computer act like a windows machine, and transfer files to and from other windows computers.
- linneighborhood - tool to mount remote windows smb shares with samba.
- quanta - html and xml editor
- gdal/ogr - collection of programs for dealing with geospacial data (geotiffs, shapefiles, etc).
- Qgis - a viewer for many GIS formats, and includes tools for GPS downloading/uploading.
- pstoedit - utility to convert postscript and pdf files to vector graphic formats.
- scribus - desktop publishing software (also on windows).
- sketch (now skencil) - a decent vector editing program
- inkscape - another vector editing program, focusing on svg.
- Freenx - free implemtation of the freenx server. Like vnc or 'remote desktop' but fast and secure.
- Qemu, open source software for emulating other operating systems (eg run Windows while in Linux).
- Firestarter - a simple firewall GUI for iptables, but very effective.
- kghostview - a simple viewer for pdf, postscript and encapsulated postscript files.
- Wine - useful for running some windows programs in Linux. It works well when it works, but wont work with most complicated programs.
- acroread - the Unix version of the Adobe Acrobat reader.
- Mplayer - a good movie player for Linux, supports most of the common formats.
- GCC (and g++, g77, gfortran) - the GNU compiler for C, C++, Fortran 77, 90 and 95.
Custom Windows Software
- The kingdom Suite - 2d/3d seismic interpretation suite
- SeisWide - Wide angle seismic processing and modelling program
- Matlab
- pyShottab
- GmSys, for gravity / magnetic(?) modelling
- DigitizeIt, used for digitizing points from images
- SUNT, a proprietary port of Seismic Unix to windows with GUI frontends (seldom used now)
- The gui sftp client freely available for non-commerical use from »
Software of interest (not currently installed or used)
- SIA », a highly integrated software package used for many seismic processing tasks in a wide range of seismic processing and data analysis. For Unix, Linux.
- FreeUSP », a collection of signal analysis and seismic processing routines originally written at Amoco Production Company's Tulsa Research Center over the last nearly 40 years. For Unix, Linux.