PWP wiki processor


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 -How safe are the text translations?
 -My text got cut! I lost data!
 -What about cookies, sessions and user tracking?
 -Does PWP work with Strato's SSL?
 -Can I rename run.php?
 -How can I include local images?
 -How can I link local files?
 -I have problems with icons in links!
 -The shown Wiki page size is wrong!
 -What is the file for?
 -What about ADDRESS, CODE, CITE, Q, etc?
 -Is the generated HTML in compliance to the W3C?
 -Is a wipe out attack possible on an open PWP?
 -What is the cache for?

How safe are the text translations?

Translation will work well on ordinary text. Problems might arise if you have tricky text, e.g. with formulas in it - I cannot test every constellation of characters. In most cases you will be able to use a different formatting rule. Maybe you can replace '' by / or vice versa? This is especially necessary when you want to format an hyperlink italic; the :// will interfer with the '/' italic syntax. And stuff like C++ should be made fat by using the ''' syntax.

Just tell me if there are several things not working as expected!

My text got cut! I lost data!

You have probably allowed HTML tags defined in your config file:

$this->mProp['AllowedTags'] = '<b><i>';
and somewhere in your text are character combinations like '<0'. The 'AllowedTags' setting unequal to an empty string '' will invoke the strip_tags() function. This function removes all unknown tags, and '<0' is like the start of a very long unknown tag. Your text gets truncated. Consider writing ' < 0' with spaces around the less than sign - PWP takes care of this case (Only a single ' < ' or ' > '!). Or set 'AllowedTags' to an empty string '' and forget about HTML tags in your input box.

What about cookies, sessions and user tracking?

There are no cookies being set from PWP. Because PWP doesn't support the concept of page ownership, there are no sessions required. PWP doesn't log any user action, your webserver will do this for you.

Does PWP work with Strato's SSL?

Yes. Strato is a big German web hoster. Their method to provide SSL is to use an URL like ''. PWP will work within any subdirectory and can be moved into different directories, too. So, Strato's SSL approach is not a problem.

Can I rename run.php?

Yes. The script name is only referenced by a server provided variable; its name is not hard coded. Make sure to adapt the HTML forwarding in the corresponding 'index.html'.

How can I include local images?

You want to embed an image without the http:// prefix? Use InterWiki links or relative links inside single square brackets '[' for this task. Note: Images are the same thing as links form PWP's point of view. Files ending on 'gif', 'jp(e)g' or 'png' will be embedded as images, other files will be linked. See TextRules for more details.

How can I link local files?

You want to link local files without the http:// prefix? You can either use InterWiki links or you write a relative URL, e.g. /upload/file.ext as link inside square brackets '['. See TextRules for more details.

I have problems with icons in links!

You can use icons inside of Wiki links (these are the ones with two square brackets '[['). But you have to include them using a variable. You cannot place a relative link with square brackets '[' inside a Wiki link. Sample: "WikiPage|{ IconVar }LinkText".

It is not possible to include icons in other links (InterWiki or external links).

The shown Wiki page size is wrong!

The size of the Wiki pages shown in several lists (index, etc.) doesn't match the HTML file size and the size of the Wiki mark-up in the edit box. What's wrong there?

The size of Wiki pages as displayed in list views, etc. is the size of your data files at server side. The data file at server side will be a little bit bigger than the amount of data you wrote into the edit box due to some server side formatting operations.

Wiki pages get much larger when they are converted into HTML: All variables are replaced by their values. The HTML mark-up requires more characters than the Wiki mark-up. You can roughly add 20..25%. And a HTML page gets composed with header and footer.

The size printed in list views should give you a rough idea about how much information are stored in a certain Wiki page. In most cases you have to cope with simple numbers form 0..9 KB.

The size of uploaded files is always the real and right size.

What is the file for?

This file gets created or replaced every time you save variables or InterWiki link targets via web interface. It contains the contents of your before the save action took place.

What about ADDRESS, CODE, CITE, Q, etc?

The answer is KISS: Keep it simple and stupid. The idea behind a Wiki is not to provide a complete replacement for HTML mark-up. It should be simple community tool - and PWP has more text rules than I intended to give it. Adding further rules would require the WikiEngine to do more translations which would consume more time on each (uncached) request and slow down PWP.

I made the experience that a lot of users is not willing to memorize such a thing like text rules at all. Most people want a nice WYSIWYG tool, ignoring (or not knowing about) costs and the capabilities of today's web packages. The only compromise is simplicity.

Is the generated HTML in compliance to the W3C?

The short answer: 90%. The longer explanation:

PWP is targeting towards HTML 4.0.

Lists A mixture of UL and OL on two levels will not produce valid HTML but display correctly. If an OL is interrupted by an UL on the second level, the count gets lost.

Blockquote is recognized by the W3C as a way of indenting text but style sheets are recommended. The original meaning of BLOCKQUOTE is, surprise, a long quote. PWP uses BLOCKQUOTE to indent text. This might be changed in later releases but it will not collide with your existing Wiki pages in any way.

Underline is deprecated, but supported by PWP since most Wiki solutions use this, too. Underline might become replaced by a style sheet solution in a later release. This will not collide with your existing Wiki pages in any way.

PWP does not check for wrong user input, like ' + / ' closed wrongly ' + / '.

Is a wipe out attack possible on an open PWP?

The Wiki pages and uploaded files might become deleted into the trash bin. But they can be restored from there. The older revisions won't get lost either. Physically, a file can be deleted from trash or from the history if it has been a certain time of X days (configurable) in the trash bin or in the history.

What is the cache for?

It saves a Wiki page from being put through the WikiEngine between several read accesses. The WikiEngine has to apply so called 'regular expressions' on the Wiki code - these are a rather time consuming operations.

The cache contains HTML file fragments. Head and footer are added on every request. The data directory itself contains files with Wiki mark-up.

See also Features and Installation. Developers might want to have a look at Development.

   (Powered by PWP Version 1-4-3)