Basic information
Character translation
The framework
Core classes
Debugging and
The standards
Basic information
PWP consists of about 190 KB PHP code. This
equals round about 5800 lines of code, including comments.
Character translation
The class 'wiki/core/WikiEngine' does the
translation, using the Perl style
preg_xxx functions. It can be
changed easily - have a look! When adding new transformations, consider
that the regular expressions are time consuming operations: It will slow
down your Wiki.
Why aren't translations done upon 'Save'?
It is not possible to
re-convert HTML into Wiki code. Take a tag EM as example: Does it come
from '/' or from ''? Or is even plain HTML allowed and the user did type
actually '<em>'? You can play this game further: An external link,
was it an inline link or have there been square brackets ']' around? What
about a user leaving two empty lines between text passages for clarity -
PWP will convert this into
one paragraph, of course.
All the samples show that a translation upon 'save' would
alter the user input. The user will be confonted with diffrent
text layout on the next call to 'Edit'. This behaviour is not acceptable.
Wiki mark-up must be converted at the moment of the page delivery into
HTML. To speed up this process, the cache was implemented.
The framework
PWP is based on a framework - or better: on a part
of a framework - which makes a structured development of bigger PHP
projects possible. One
Request is an incoming POST/GET from the
client. This request gets translated into a
chain of responses.
The main script
run.php iterates through all responses, as long
as the current response requests an new response (state change). Every
response implementation is derived from the base class Response using a
template pattern for the methods
verify() and
verify() has to check all required incoming parameters and
sets default values if anybody tampered with the parameters. (Never trust
user input.)
service() executes the logic of the response, e.g. creating a
new Wiki page.
A chain of responses might look like wiki/CreatePage »
wiki/EditPage » out/HTML. The first response creates a new and
empty page based upon a parameter supplied by the client. The second
response loads a page for editing. The third response prints HTML header
and footer.
Such a chain is very flexible: By using wiki/EditPage »
out/HTML one would load a page for editing. The same code gets
executed as on the creation of a page.
Responses write directly towards STRDOUT (echo). They get the output
of former responses passed in a $buffer and may add own output at the
beginning of the buffer or after the buffer. An array $args gets passed
along the chain of responses.
One or more calls to $gError->add() will interrupt the
chain after the currently executed method (either verify() or service())
and redirect to etc/Error.
The framework itself consists of run.php and wiki/core/Response
together with two error handling classes.
All responses are stored under wiki/resp/{subdir}.
'out/HTML' is usually the last response in a chain. It contains the menu
and the HTML header and footer. This response will also be applied upon
the delivery of a cached page. This way you can add dynamic content in
header and footer in any situation.
Core classes
The classes Trash, Data, History, Upload and Statics
(in wiki/core) are rather a repository for functional written methods.
They are to be accessed using static calls (::). Their implementation
could be more object oriented with inheritance, but it would require to
rewrite a big part of the code without gaining speed. All the equal
looking tasks like ::clearAll() differ slightly an would need to become
Debugging and logging
Debugging requires a call to run.debug.php which is shipped
with the Wiki distribution. A log and a list of introspections (see
below) will be appended to every HTML page. There are two functions
available in the global scope:
- introspect( mixed var {, string message} ) which will
print a readable state of the passed variable. All introspections are
printed into a table at the end of the page.
- logMsg( string message {, string file name {, int line }}
) will print a logging message at the end of the page.
The standards applied
- register_globals=off must be supported, use $_REQUEST, etc.
- Avoid any warnings. All variables have to be initialized.
- Comment all methods and classes, prefer Java style.
- The script should execute on a local installation on average under
100ms per request.On average, do not load or include more than 10
- Class names are MixedCase words, starting with an uppercase
- Method names are mixedCase words, starting with an lowercase
- Private variable and function names are preceeded by an underscore
'_'. They are only to be accessed inside a class / file.
- Class members are identified by a '$m'; '$_m' would be a private
class member.
- Global variable names start with a '$g'; '$_g' would be a variable
to be used only in global scope.
- Parameter names submitted by the web browser begin with an 'i'
$_REQUEST[ 'iWebParam' ].
- One class resides in one file with similar name.