PWP wiki processor


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 -Creating new pages
 -The basics of formatting text
 -Writing headings
 -Text blocks and paragraphs
 -Fat and italic text
 -Links to other Wiki pages
 -External links
 -Embedding images
 -Horizontal rulers

This guide is intended for users who want to see quick results by using just simple text structures. It will take you just 10 minutes to learn all you need to know. All details can be found under TextRules.

Creating new pages

You need to edit an existing page. Insert a link like [[MyNewPage]] there and save. You will find a link like MyNewPage(?) in the saved document. The question mark indicates that the page does not yet exist. A click on it will create the page and show you an edit form letting you put some contents into the page.

Your page names can include letters, an underscore '_' and numbers. Spaces are not permitted.

The basics of formatting text

In a Wiki there are (special) characters like # * ; : = and their position in a line applied to format text. If you want to use the special chars as chars themselves, it is usually a good idea to leave a space on either side of the chars.

Writing headings

At the beginning of a line (Yes, hit the return key if you aren't there!), type one equal sign followed by the text; here's a sample: =A heading and hit the return key to get into the next line. For a second level heading, you have to type two equal signs and so on until the sixth level is reached.

Text blocks and paragraphs

Writing a paragraph is simple: You type the text. You do not have to use the return key at the end of the edit box. Just continue typing, the line breaks happen "automatically". But is ok if you hit the return key and continue in the next line. This is only useful for clarity in your edit window. The line break won't necessarily happen in the resulting HTML page at the same position: The user agent of the visitor decides about line breaks - depending on character size and window size. Please note that more than one blank will become collapsed into a single blank.

Force a line break within a text block by using the minus-underscore combination -_ symbolizing a broken line.

To separate two text blocks hit the return key twice. An empty line marks a vertical distance between two text blocks.


A list item is defined by typing a star at the beginning of a line: * This is going to be a list item. Do not hit the return key within the text for this item.

To get a numbered list instead of bullets, replace the star by a hash: # This is going to be a numbered list item.

Fat and italic text

To mark one word or a group of words italic, you have to enclose the word(s) in two single quotes: ''Will become italic.'' .

And three single quotes make the enclosed word(s) to appear as fat text: '''Will become fat.''' .

It is important to leave a space before the first quote character and not to leave a space between the last quote character and the first word. At the end you have to type the quotes immediately after the last word. Then there must be either a space or a punctuation sign but not a number or letter.

Links to other Wiki pages

It works like creating pages; type the Wiki page name enclosed in double square brackets: [[LinkToAWikiPage]] . Do not use names with spaces and try to avoid special characters. An underscore '_' is always ok.

After saving you see either a linked name if the page already exists or a linked question mark to create a new page.

External links

Simply type the complete URL including the protocol like in this sample:

For e-mail addresses use .

Note that an URL is case sensitive on Non-Microsoft platforms.

Embedding images

This works exactly as external linking; you enter the URL of the image:

You can include images of the types GIF, JPG, PNG.

Note that an URL is case sensitive on Non-Microsoft platforms.

Horizontal rulers

Four or more minus signs at the beginning of a line ---- will be converted into a horizontal ruler.

''OK, that's all you need to know for creating simple linked documents.''

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