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Approach 1
 -overview (this can all be done in one .job run):
 -detailed approach:
Approach 2

FK Filtering OBS Data

NOTE: Ensure the lasttr header value is not set to 1 for each trace (only the last trace in an ensemble should have lasttr equal to 1). If it is, use setheader to set it to zero. If all traces have lasttr set to 1, the FK filtering will take an order of magnitude more time to process.

Approach 1

This approach is a little complicated, but can yield amazing results. See the screenshot below for an example of the improvement that can be seen. This approach also leaves the direct arrival and refracted phases untouched, which is nice because they are very sensitive to filtering/fk muting.

overview (this can all be done in one .job run):

with diff1 by using (x1+x2) with diff2.

Here is the .job file used to do these operations »upload/fkfilt.job, and the fk filter mute »upload/test1.mut.

detailed approach:

Here is the screenshot (still nmo corrected). The upper left window is the unfiltered nmo corrected data, the upper right is the final fk filtered data combined with the original data above the direct arrival. The lower window is the difference between the two. You can see that the fk filter has done an excellent job at removing unwanted reverberations, but hasn't removed much of the reflected arrivals. This is from a horizontal OBS geophone, which are notorious for being ringy, so it makes a good test case. The only possible problem with this approach is that is may remove the reflected arrival near 0 km offset, but this is a minor issue.

Approach 2

Note that filtering a dip out of OBS data will operate differently on the positive offsets than it will on the negative.

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