- Tar on the Sun doesn't seem to support on-the-fly compression, as Linux does, so the -z option is excluded. Of course, you could always gzip a directory or file before writing to a tape.
- The 4mm tape drive is available as /dev/rmt/1, while the 8mm tape is /dev/rmt/0.
- To backup a directory, type:
tar -cvf /dev/rmt/1 /directoryToBackup
- To get a listing of all files on a tape, type:
tar -tvf /dev/rmt/1
or pipe this to a file:
tar -tvf /dev/rmt/1 > contents.txt
- Extract a single file (fileOnTape.txt) from a tape:
tar -xvf /dev/rmt/1 fileOnTape.txt