If you are satisfied with your current version and you do not miss any of the new features or text rules simply stay where you are.
It is also recommended to stay where your are if you made changes to the application's source code. (To be found in "/wiki/core/" and "/wiki/resp/".) The code has changed a lot between 1.3.7 and 1.4.0. There are new files, other files have been renamed.
There are a few incompatibilities to PWP 1.3.x which are enumerated below. Generally, you can continue to work with all your collected Wiki pages.
The text rule for definition lists has changed from ";;Term;;Definition;;" to ";Term:Definition" and ";;Term:Definition". This was made to get closer to the UseMod syntax and to have a similar handling for all three list types. You have to adjust your definition lists manually - I doubt that they are widely used. (Sorry to the ones protesting now!)
You might have been able to create Wiki pages with names including some special chars like quotation marks. This will not work any longer. You have to rename the files in the file system. If your Wiki page names only include word characters, numbers, dots and the underscore, you are on the safe side. From 1.4 on you can include Non-ASCII characters like "Ä" (Auml;) in Wiki page names - as long as your file system and your webserver will work with such file names. Names starting with a dot "." are considered to be illegal.
The config file has changed. Make a copy of your old config file and transport the changes by copy'n'paste after updating. The setting "IsProductive" became obsolete. You may call "run.debug.php" instead of "run.php" to use logging and introspection.
The default style sheet had to be extended by the classes ".layout" for tables. It has new settings for "select", too. You can now include the standard style sheet and override it's settings by providing a second style sheet containing your custom changes.
Because of the changes in the style sheet config settings (whole tag instead of a file name) there are changes in the file "wiki/conf/StaticHtml.inc" to be done. Copy the tag from PWP 1.4 into your customized file.
All icons shipping with 1.4 have new names. You can either adapt the new names (which is simple if you've combined icons and variables) or you can extract the old icon set from PWP 1.3.7.
There is no support for the "-->" line break rule any longer. This rule was deprecated in PWP 1.3.4. Line breaks "-->" were silently converted into " -_ " on each save operation in higher releases. If you still have old style line breaks, replace them manually.
An update requires some admin knowledge in the area of PHP applications.
(Powered by PWP Version 1.4.0)