REQUIREMENTS: ------------- To run: ------- Windows: 95/98/NT/2000/XP (for self-installing .exe): nothing -- simply install the self-extracting .exe file. To run from source: same dependencies as for Unix. Unix machine: Python 2.2 or greater, wxWindows and wxPython for running from source (see below for windows). RPM's exist for RedHat Linux, and Debian has all needed packages built available in apt. To Run from source: ------------------- Python 2.3 - recommended enthought python distribution for Windows ( (if you don't have the above): wxPython 2.4.x unicode version - Recommended (but optional): --------------------------- Psyco - - a general python optimizer. No .exe installer, but a simple install nonetheless - "python install". To Build Installer: --------- py2exe ( NSIS (For creation of installation .exe - RUNNING IN WINDOWS: ------------------- To run shotGui (options file editor for backend process): One can either run it from the link on the desktop, or from the installed directory as shotGui.exe. usage: "shotGui.exe [optionalConfigFile.cfg]" To run shotCreate (backend shottab creation process): Since this is a command line application, this should be run from a command prompt to see the output, or from the gui (run button) which also displays the output. Usage: "shotCreate.exe configFile.cfg" RUNNING IN UNIX: ---------------- While this depends on how this was installed, it is planned that both of these utilities be set up in such a way as to allow one to run either shotGui/shotCreate by simply typing: (eg: it is installed in the path) shotGui [options.cfg] shotCreate options.cfg Where options.cfg is the name of the options file you wish to work with. BULDING Windows Self-Installing EXE: ------------------------------------ This requires all the build prerequesites listed above for building in windows. First, ensure "python.exe" is in your path (eg c:\python22) Now, build the shotCreate and shotGui exe's: cd to where the .py's are, and type: python py2exe This should invoke a process which creates a "dist" subdirectory, under which are subdirectories "shotGui" and "shotCreate" - within these directories are the corresponding .exe's and some dll's (and pyd's). The exe's are now built - now to build the self-installing .exe: (ensure you have NSIS at least version 2 - beta 3) Run "makensis" on the nsi file, such as: c:\progra~1\nsis\makensis pyShottab.nsi This should create a file pyShottab.exe in the current directory - this is the self-installing exe that should be distributed for all versions of windows. Note that no other dependencies are required for running the program other than this one file. -- Dave LeBlanc Dalhousie Oceanography November 2002.